Book Talk Lunch Break with MCMA member Mahala B Bishop,
Thurs. March 11,@noon,Mahala will discuss her book"Sunshine & Shadows,my battle with bipolar disorder". Bring your lunch, Drinks and dessert provided.FMI you can call Pat during library hours@773-8396,snow date will be Thursday March 18,2010'
First Friday artist on March 5th will be -Jill Cournoyer, showing her Water Impressions and Photography.
Some more info on the Paintings of Stacy Tolman that hang in the stairwells, and a big thanks to Maureen O'Brien from the Museum of Art in Rhode Island who responded to our inquiry.
The two murals by Stacy Tolman were, interestingly, based on work by two other artists. His patron must have requested these to set the tone for his dance studio.
The first is a version of a painting by the 19th century Spanish painter Palmaroli, the second by the American painter Toby Rosenthal who studied in Munich. Both seem to represent dancing "in olden times" -- a type of nostalgic realist subject that was very popular in the 19th century, even though it depicts earlier eras.
I am attaching jpegs of the "sources" that Tolman copied.
Maureen C. O'Brien
Curator of Painting and Sculpture
Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design
Providence, RI 02903
Work continues on the exhibit in the Portland room of the Portland Public library featuring the history of the MCMA.Abraham hopes to have it done in time for the library opening in the second week of April.