Dec.16th, Thursday
Maine Charitable Mechanic Association Noonday Lecture, bring your lunch, desserts and refreshments provided, the open house will be 11:00 am to 2:00pm.
Speaking at Noon will be Historian Dr. Charles P.M.Outwin
”Boom Town, Party Town:Frolics on the southern shores of Casco Bay, 1760-1775”
The goodly people of Falmouth is Casco Bay, during its boom years of 1760 through 1775, flush with cash, knew how to party.......and neither inclement weather nor dour moralist opprobrium could long prevent them from doing so!! From the scruffy rum-shops of Fiddle Lane and the gracious homes of Upper Middle Street, to Ring’s popular inn and tavern at Black Point, and perhaps even further afield, Falmouth’s denizens, rich and poor, found opportunities to feast, dance, and celebrate.
Artists in the library during the month of December-Reggie Osborn and Christina Siravo (SUSHI CAT-picture above & more can be found at-http://www.etsy.com/shop/bluebirdiesinger )have some of their work for sale for Holiday gift ideas. Another reason to make Historian and MCMA member Dr. Outwins' Lecture on Thursday.