“As an artist, Ubans’ work has appeared in countless exhibitions regionally, nationally and internationally in Riga, Latvia, and other Latvian venues. His work is also featured in the permanent collections of the Latvian Museum of Art, the Latvian National Museum of Photography, and the collections of Yale, Syracuse, and Pennsylvania State Universities.
As an educator, Ubans has taught painting and drawing at the University of Southern Maine since 1968, where he chaired the Art Department from 1974 to 1979. He was instrumental in developing the department’s curriculum after the merger of the University of Maine at Portland and Gorham State College of UM, and for making the department one of the most widely respected departments of studio art in the Northeast.
Among his many positions of prominence in the art world Ubans served as a consultant for the Latvian Council of Science and the Latvian Academy of Art. He also was chair of the Board of Trustees of the American Folk Life Center at the Library of Congress; a member of the Board of the Maine Commission on the Arts and Humanities; a commissioner for the National Association of Schools of Art and Design; and a member of the National Conference of State Legislators.”
Copied from -USM PUBLIC AFFAIRS Blog- http://blogs.usm.maine.edu/publicaffairs/archives/141
Quarterly Meeting, first Thursday, Oct.6, 2011 at 9.00am in the library
The MCMA library is stating a book club that will meet on the first Tuesday of each month at 12:00 noon, bring a sandwich, dessert coffee and tea provided. Bring a list of what books you would like to read and discuss. The first book up for reading and discussion will be -CLARA and MR. TIFFANY by Susan Vreeland. First Book Club meetingTuesday Oct.4th in the library.For more information you can call Pat @ 773-8396 during library hours,Tues,Wed,Thurs.10:00 am to 3:00 pm
October, 10, 2011, First travel lecture of the fall- “THE GREAT ROCKY MOUNTAIN ADVENTURE”- http://www.rvadventurevideos.com/videos.php
Come along on the adventure of a lifetime! The Rocky Mountains are the back-bone of North America and include some of the most beautiful scenery in the world! We'll take the back-roads as we follow the Rockies from New Mexico to Yellowstone, exploring the familiar and not so familiar natural wonders along the way.
Catherine Mc Auley H.S., 631 Stevens Ave, Portland, doors open @6:45pm and starts @ 7:30 pm. Open to the public, admission is free to MCMA members and a $2.00 donation for non-members