
February 3rd First Friday

First Friday Art Walk February 3 2012

Mechanics’ Hall Library Exhibiting

The MCMA Free Drawing School

1875 to 1988

First Friday February 3th will feature a continuing exhibit of drawings from the MCMA drawing classes of the late 1800’s

Architectural drawings of Will.S. Aldrich(ca.1886), who was a student and draughtsman for MCMA past President and renown architect John Calvin Stevens, along with blueprints and instruction samples from the Free Drawing School of Mechanical and Architectural drawing classes. Also on exhibit are instructor log books of students and bio’s of the instructors.

Will S Aldrich, graduates form MIT in 1888, leaves Portland to work in Boston in 1890, travels Europe for 3 1/2 years on a Rotch Scholarship in 1895. From 1902-1910 Mr. Aldrich works in New York City and from 1910 till his death in 1947 he is an award winning Architect in St. Joseph Missouri.

The Mechanics' library book club meets Tuesday,Feb.7th for a discussion of -Suite Francaise by Irene Nemirovsky -at Noon for an hour. Please bring a lunch, drinks and dessert are provided.

For more info you can call Pat at the library @773-8396 Happy reading !

Mechanics’ Hall library 519 Congress St. Downtown Portland Me.

Second floor, elevator accessible ,5:00 to 8:00 pm