First Tuesday Book Club, MCMA Library August 7th
"The Buddha in the Attic" by Julie Otsuka
The MCMA library book club meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 12:00 noon, bring a sandwich, dessert coffee and tea provided.
MCMA-Maine Charitable Mechanic Association , started in 1815 with 65 members.A library for its apprentices was stated in1820.In 1859 the Association built a Landmark building on Congress St.where the membership library still exists today and is open to many public events.Library is open Tues,Wed and Thurs; 10:00 am to 3:00 pm,phone #773-8396 also you can e-mail the library at mcma1857@gmail.com
A native of New Hampshire, Ron Roberts recently retired from a life of working with his hands. From his early days on a family farm to a career as an industrial welder boilermaker, he has always felt a kinship to the land. Comfortable working with timber, granite and soil, Ron, with his wife Mary Ann of 32 years, raised their family in a home he designed and built in Stratham. Only recently has he turned his artistic talents from timber frames and barn raising to poetry and photography as displayed here, from his self-published book “LABOR and LOVE.”
Bio from the NEW HAMPSHIRE TROUBADOUR,Were he is a monthly contributer.
Ron's pictures can be viewed at Better Photos-BetterPhoto Member: Ron Roberts Photography Enthusiast at BetterPhoto.com