June Art exhibit in the library and opening on First FridayPatrick Harrison
For more info on Patrick Harrison checkout his web site http://sundast.tumblr.com/post/51470978346/this-is-now-a-real-blog"Imaginative Cartography and Other Works by Patrick Harrison". Patrick will also be featuring his ebook-"Quiet Courage", soon to be available in print.
First Tuesday Book Club-June 4th
"This novel is as much about the sinking of the Titanic as it is about dressmaking. Written by D.C. journalist Patricia O’Brien under the pen name Kate Alcott, it’s an unashamed girlie-book with a woman’s attractive behind adorning the cover, sporting an elegant semi-bustle. The dress seems to bunch up under the arms, and you can spend several minutes figuring out how someone put the thing together. Which brings up an interesting aspect of “making history,” particularly the kind that Virginia Woolf used to talk about: the flocks of girls with bits of sewing in their laps, chattering about men, defining them, often by bursts of rude laughter. That’s a form of history, too............."WashingtonPost"“The Dressmaker,” by Kate Alcott
The MCMA library book club meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 12:00 noon, bring a sandwich, dessert coffee and tea provided.For more information you can call Pat @ 773-8396 during libraryhours,Tue.,Wed,Thurs.10:00 am to 3:00 pm0r e-mail mcma1857@gmail.com