

October Art Exhibit in the library-”COUNTERPOINT”- A two person exhibit, Debe Laughlin & Dorette Amell(MCMA member), after opening on the First Friday Artwalk it will be on display through the month of October, Tues, Wed. & Thurs.10;00 am-3:00 pm
    FMI call the library @ 207-773-8396 0r e-mail @ mcma1857@gmail.com

Book Club on Tuesday Oct.8th(second Tuesday this month), Mother of Invention by Pat Taub the author will be attending
“She insists that her daughter call her Mother, not Mom, because “it sounds more dignified,” yet she also confides searing personal secrets to Pati. There is one secret, however, that Pati does not know. Her mother’s death sets the author on a journey of discovery that she recounts with striking candor and droll humor. Taub begins to wonder if the narcissistic Ice Queen she long ago cast in “that scratchy old movie about The Woman Who Ruined My Life” might be “a figment of my own dysfunction.” The mysteries she unravels about her mother, and herself, will change her life forever.”
 Available at:
Longfellow Books, 1 Monument Sq., Portland, ME
Nonesuch Books, Mill Creek Shopping Ctr., S. Portland, ME
Book Review, Route #1, Falmouth, ME

Were you aware that many members and past Presidents of the MCMA are buried at Evergreen Cemetery?
The "Charitable Mechanics" tour at Evergreen Cemetery on Stevens Avenue will be on Sunday, Oct. 13, 2013 at 2:00PM.  The price for the tour is $7.00 per person.
Docents from Evergreen has been doing research at the MCMA Library and were excited to confirm that many members are indeed resting at Evergreen.
Docent and MCMA member, Mary Foley, will be leading the tour and you can see more information about Evergreen and other events on their website www.friendsofevergreen.org
Hope to see you at what promises to be a very interesting day.
Donna Knoblock
MCMA Secretary

Monday,October 28th Lecture and film by Portland Fire Department Historians on three  historic major fires
631 Stevens Avenue
     opposite Evergreen Cemetery
     Parking Lot off Walton St.
         7:30-Doors open @6:45
  Wheelchair accessible
 Free to members and open to the public, a  $5.00 
donation suggested for non-members or guests.Dvd’s of the travel lecture are also usually available  to buy from the presenter.