Dec.3rd,2013 MCMA-First Tuesday Book Club
Glass castle by Jeanette Walls
12:00 noon, bring a sandwich, dessert coffee and tea provided.

For more information you can call Pat @ 773-8396 during libraryhours,Tue.,Wed,Thurs.10:00 am to 3:00 pm, 519 Congress St, 0r e-mail
First Friday downtown Artwalk should be festive with Congress St closed to car traffic.It will be a "potpourri" of Authors and Artists on the second Library in Mechanics' Hall, 519 Congress St.,elevator accessible.
Featuring Artist & Authors
Joanne Fitzpatrick and her Pressed Flower Cards
Author John Moon-"Portland, Then and Now"
Paintings and Quilt work by Madeline Young
On going exhibit of Liz Potter-"Tree Cookie Art"
Author Rebecca Goodale, Chilren's Books(Island Dog) & Art
Illustrator Michael Connors
Author Illustrator Patrick Harrison-"Quiet Courage"
Monday Dec.9th@7:30 pm
The first of the three MCMA winter film series of documentary filmmaker Robert Flaherty,showing in a new venue at the MHS lecture Hall-Monday Dec.9th@7:30 pm