
July Events in Mechanics' Hall, Laura Webb,Tuesday Book, Carl Senna

July 4th, First Friday Downtown Artwalk, July Artist in the library Laura Webb will open her exhibit to the public-5:00-8:00 pm. And will be on display in the library for the month of July for viewing during library hours. 
Laura has settled in Portland maine and looks forward to showing her artwork around the state.She also has a pet portrait business and accepts other commissions, for more about Laura and her art go to
First Tuesday Book Club will be on the second Tuesday, July 8th because of holiday conflicts.
   Tuesday Book Club, July 8th-Paris Was The Place- by Susan Conley(Maine Author)
For more about the author and book

Meeting will be held in the library, 519 Congress St, second floor , elevator accessible. Bring your lunch, dessert and refreshments provided. 
All are welcome, pre-reading of the book is not required, for more info ;library number-773-8396 or

NOONTIME EVENT in the Library, Weds.July 16th, Author Carl Senna                                                        Carl Senna, author, editor, newspaper columnist and writing instructor will give a noontime talk about his forthcoming book on EMMA EDMONDS. She was a soldier, spy and nurse during the Civil War. After leaving her home in New Brunswick Canada to escape an arranged marriage by her father, she crossed the border to the United States and began a new life of service, intrigue and adventure. For more about Carl and his book go to
Meeting will be held in the library, 519 Congress St, second floor , elevator accessible. Bring your lunch, dessert and refreshments provided. 
All are welcome, pre-reading of the book is not required, for more info ;library number-773-8396 or


MCMA events in June

First Tuesday Book Club June 3rd
The Sheen on the Silk -by Ann Perry
The Sheen on the Silk is an epic historical novel with a heart- stopping love story at its core, and a deep spiritual quest. It is set in the gorgeous, cosmopolitan and enlightened city of Byzantium, in the twilight years of its Empire. Surrounded by the fierce Ottomans to the East, Saladin and the infidels to the South, the barbarian European tribes to the North and the powerful Venetian Empire to the West, Byzantium’s Emperor badly needs an ally. The city has never recovered from its sack by the Venetians in 1204, and now, in 1272, it’s in acute danger. Another Crusade is being mounted, and Byzantium is in its path.
This is the city into which Anna arrives. A handsome woman with an unhappy past, she has just learned that her brother has been imprisoned for murder. Unable to believe that he’s guilty, she will stay in Byzantium until she can find out the truth and secure his release. However, she needs a way to move freely in all levels of society. This isn’t something she can do as a woman and as a stranger. She will pose as a eunuch; this cadre, while past its heyday, still has power and influence. And she will work as a doctor.
As the future of Byzantium grows ever darker, Anna struggles to navigate the complex truths of her brother’s guilt or innocence, the intrigues of the powerful, long-simmering revenge plots... and the even more perilous currents of her heart and her spirit. Only in Byzantium’s darkest hour does she discover the truths that will lead to salvation for Byzantium and the soaring path to the forgiveness and love of God.
Meeting held in the Maine Charitable Mechanic Assoc. Library at noon. 519 Congress St. Portland ME, second floorElevator accessible
Bring a lunch; dessert and drinks (tea or lemonade) provided.

All are welcome. Pre-reading of the book is not required.FMI call Pat at 773-8396 or

Ron Romano lecture on Bartlett Adams,Thursday June 5th at 7:00 pm in the Mechanics’ Hall ballroom

In 1800, Bartlett Adams (1776 - 1828) arrived from Massachusetts to establish Portland’s first stone-cutting shop.  He joined the Charitable Mechanic Association in 1815, and became a Trustee in 1822.  Bartlett made mantlepieces, door jambs and hearthstones, but his more visible impact is at Portland’s historic Eastern Cemetery and other early burial grounds in Maine.  Bartlett and his apprentices are responsible for at least 700 - about a third - of the gravestones found today at Eastern Cemetery.  
Ron Romano is a tour guide and Board Member for Spirits Alive (the Friends of Eastern Cemetery group)and a MCMA member.  He presented a slide show of his original research on the life, times, and work of Bartlett Adams at a well-attended lecture at USM in February.  We’re happy to offer members and friends of the MCMA an opportunity to hear Ron share his findings on Thursday, June 5... 7:00 pm, free and open to the public.
Interview with Ron Romano on CTN-Channel 5 with Lesley MacVane

June 6th, First Friday Downtown Artwalk,5:00 to 8:00 pm
Steve Hrehovcik ,June Artist in the library and opening his exhibit of Pen & Ink drawings and paintings on the June 6th First Friday Downtown Artwalk.
For more info on Steve Hrehovcik, go to his web site listed below