May,1, First Friday Artwalk, Steve Hrehovcik
pronounced Hero-check
Custom Pen & Ink, Equestrian & Pets, Scenic Views, Caricatures and more
“When you surround yourself with art that touches your heart,you enrich your life in ways that are beyond measure”..S.Hirehovcik
First Tuesday Book Club, May 5th
The Maine Charitable Mechanic Association’s First Tuesday Book Club will be on May 5, 2015 at 12:00PM in Mechanics Hall, 519 Congress St., Portland. This month’s selection is the classic “Old Man and the Sea” by Ernest Hemingway. Published in 1952, this simple and compelling story could not be classified. It was shorter than a novel and longer than a short story, but at the end you had known a hero, the old man; another hero, the giant fish; the vast presence of the Gulf Stream; and you had lived a great tragedy, but a tragedy which emerges without grief into beauty.
Bring a lunch, tea and sweets will be provided. All are welcome to attend and pre-reading of the book is not necessary. FMI call Pat, 773-8396 or
May 6, Wed.Noon lecture, author Jan M Eakins,
“Maine in the Gold Rush”
“Jan is a cultural historian whose focus is vernacular architecture, urban/suburban/rural/industrial environments, mainers in the American West, and mass media. She was curator of Fairbanks House(c.1641,Dedham, Ma.), led VIP tours and trained guides at Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello, and initiated the Frank Lloyd Wright World Heritage List nomination and raised funds to conduct it.”from bio of Jan M.Eakins, Portland ME.
May 14, Thurs, Noon Book Talk, Steve Pinkham-” Old Tales of the Maine Woods”
“From his phenomenal collection of over 25,000 articles and stories of the Maine Woods, Steve Pinkham has selected more of the most exciting old hunting and fishing tales, as well as stories of animal encounters, lumbering, canoe trips and tall tales for this sequel to Old Tales of the Maine Woods. Ranging from 1845 to 1905, this book also covers the Maine Woods from Magalloway to Moosehead and Mopang to Madawaska. Most people know that Thoreau went to Maine several times, wrote eloquently about his travels and coined the phrase “Maine Woods.” Now for the reader will get to read more stories by many more known and unknown men and women who also travelled to northern Maine and wrote about their experiences of penned fictional stories set in the backwoods. Included are brief biographies and portraits of the known writers. For the unknown authors, Pinkham has included appropriate pictures. In his first volume, Pinkham included histories of each region; for this volume he has included many early bits of fascinating information for each chapter.”
From Steve Pinkam’s web site