Tuesday,Nov.1st-book club at noon. bring lunch; dessert & drinks provided.
Nov. -book club-Jack Kerouc-on the road
Thurs. Nov 3 noon time talk on The History of Skiing in Maine presented by Scott Andrews. 11-2pm at the library. refreshments. for more info call 773-8396 or visit www.skimuseumofmaine.org
Maine's first ski lift was a rope tow on Jockey Cap in the town of Fryeburg in 1936. Photo from the glass plate negative collection of the Maine Historical Society. This is one of about 120 historic skiing images from the Fireside Chat that will be presented in Portland on Nov. 3.
The presentation at MCMA will be the first Chat in the series:
Down-Mountain and Cross-Country: 140 Years of Skiing in Maine. This 50-minute slideshow is an overview that covers all facets of skiing over the entire time period, from the arrival of Scandinavian immigrants in 1870 to the present. It represents the broadest possible approach to the history of skiing in Maine, with each topic covered at an elementary level.
First Friday, Nov. 4th-Back Cove Artist Group-Watercolors
MCMATravel Lectures are at Catherine McAuley High School Auditorium 631 Stevens Ave, Portland, doors open at 6:45 and lecture start at 7:30
Free to MCMA members , open to the public and asking a $2.00 donation at the door
NOVEMBER 7, 2011
SID & MARY LEE NOLAN-”Cruising The Eastern Mediterranean”
Come along for a journey through the beautiful and historical Eastern Mediterranean. Begin with a visit to the glorious sites of Venice, then spend a day ashore exploring the Greek Island of Ithaca, Ulysses' legendary home. Wander through the ruins of Olympia, the site of the historic Olympic games and explore the ancient temples that honor the mythical birthplace of Apollo. Learn about the history and life of Athens as you wander through modern Placa and the temples of the Acropolis. Cruise along the Turkish coast to explore ancient Troy and stop over at Chlos, the possible birthplace of Christopher Columbus. Before heading back to Venice, dock at port Said, the entrance to the Suez Canal and take an overland journey to the Pyramids of Giza and the bustling city of Cairo.
For more information, visit the website for Travel Adventure Series: Cruising The Eastern Mediterranean W/ Mary Lee & Sid Nolan.
“Texas Highways & Byways”
NOVEMBER, 28,2011
TEXAS with Dale Johnson
When standing in El Paso, Texas, you're closer to Los Angeles than to Texarkana on the other side of the state. There is a lot to explore in Texas where you will find NASA, metroplexes, the Big Thicket, a technological Silicone Valley around the capital city of Austin. The Alamo still stands as an iconic symbol of the Texas spirit, and the battle is reenacted every year. The second largest canyon in the U.S., Palo Duro, is found here, a fact not well known, even in Texas. Join award winning film producer Dale Johnson as he visits many places in Texas, including the Dealey Plaza, site of John Kennedy's assassination, Ft. Worth with its many stockyards, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Braken Cave where 20 million bats emerge each evening at dusk, Texas wineries and much, much more....