Dec. 2, 2011 , First Friday Art Walk, experience the beauty of Spain and Portugal with a library photo slide presentation from 5:00pm to 8:00pm. The "Back Cove Artist Group" will be exhibiting their watercolors and there will be handmade items for sale with proceeds going to the library fund.
Note cards made from a 1859 wood engraving by Bircher & Russell of Boston and being printed again today locally by David Wolfe of Wolfe Editions in Portland will also be available for purchase.
Tuesday,Dec.6, the "Book Club" will be meeting at noon to discuss author Caitlin Shutterly- "Made For You and Me"
going west, going broke, finding home-Newlywed Caitlin Shetterly and her husband, Dan Davis, two hardworking freelancers, began their lives together in 2008 by pursuing a lifelong, shared dream of leaving Maine and going West.
DECEMBER 12,2011-MCMA Travel Film
“Beneath the Jungle... and Beyond”
Cinematographer/Producer - Dale Johnson
Catherine McAuley High School Auditorium
631 Stevens Ave Portland
7:30, doors open at 6:45
Free to members, a $2.00 donation at the door for non-members
Mesoamerica. About 1,000 years before the time of Christ, a consortium of autonomous city/kingdoms developed and flourished in a region now mapped as southern Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, and Honduras. They thrived until around the Fifteenth Century AD, leaving behind astounding monuments to the energy, industry, and ingenuity of their populations. They built temples rivaling those of Egypt... not as large but more extensive. A calendar more accurate than our own. Astronomical observations used in their building that reveal a surprising degree of sophistication and knowledge. http://www.trailwoodfilms.com/beneath.html
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