Wed. Nov. 30th, NOONTIME TALK
“Members of the Suffrage Movement in Portland”
Please join us for a talk by MCMA member,Mary Foley of Friends of Evergreen,will talk about Portland area women who were engaged in the decades-long effort to obtain women the right to vote. John Neal wrote supportive editorials about them but Edward Elwell’s editorials opposed their cause. Maine women wrote, spoke and petitioned from the movement’s earliest days in the 1860s and added marching and protests in the early 20th century, all of which resulted in passage of the 19th amendment. Ladies like…. Gladys Doten Chapman, Doris Stevens, and Augusta Hunt and others who are buried at Evergreen Cemetery.
Between 1855 and 1920 when the 19th amendment was ratified, many women wrote, spoke and protested to gain the right to vote
Wed. Nov. 30th, 7:00PM-the Makers at the Hall -Clint Chase, Boatbuilder. He created Chase Small Craft to produce and market kits for small and beautiful do-it-yourself boats. He will talk about designing, building and teaching on the coast of Maine.
Friday, December 2nd, First Friday
MCMA Library will be hosting 4 authors and their new books during the artwalk from 5-8. The authors are Bruce Robert Coffin whose new book is Among the Shadows. This features Detective Sergeant John Byron, and ex-Portland Police Dept. officer. The New York Times ( and readers at MCMA) call it "A first-rate novel. Suspenseful and highly entertaining.";
Christopher Morin is the author of 2 Civil War historical novels, "A Tale of Life & War and The Rebel's Wrath"
Edward Rielly is a professor at St. Joseph's College and a prolific and versatile writer of 30 books They include books about baseball and football, Native American History, a memoir, children's books and poetry. A recent volume of haiku is an award winner. He will also bring books by his son. Brendon, who is a mystery writer of note , "An unbeaten man" named Best Crime Fiction of 2016 at the Maine Literary Awards. Grandson Morgan has written"Neighborhood Heroes" a collection of interviews of Veterans in their hometown of Westbrook.
Located at 519 Congress St. second Floor Library
Library hrs. Tues., Wed., Thurs. 10:00 am- 3:00 pm
Tues.,Dec. 6, 2016 “Me Before You” by JoJo Moyes
First Tuesday Book Club, Mechanics’ Hall Library, 12:00 noon
“Louisa Clark is an ordinary girl living an exceedingly ordinary life—steady boyfriend, close family—who has barely been farther afield than her tiny village. She takes a badly needed job working for ex-Master of the Universe Will Traynor, who is wheelchair-bound after an accident. Will has always lived a huge life—big deals, extreme sports, worldwide travel—and he is not interested in exploring a new one.
Will is acerbic, moody, bossy—but Lou refuses to treat him with kid gloves, and soon his happiness means more to her than she expected. When she learns that Will has shocking plans of his own, Lou sets out to show him that life is still worth living.
Me Before You brings to life two people who couldn’t have less in common—a heartbreakingly romantic novel that asks, What do you do when making the person you love happy also means breaking your own heart? Jo Jo Moyes..
Join us at Mechanics’ Hall at 12:00noon,
second floor library, elevator accessible.
Bring your lunch, drinks and sweets will be provided.
All are welcome to attend.
Sat.December 17th-1:00PM.
“A Child’s Christmas in Wales” by Dylan Thomas, reading by Abraham A. Schechter , Portland Public Library & Portland Room, librarian and archivist.
To be held in the Mechanic’s Hall Library at 1:00 pm.
Free and all are welcome to have some tea and desserts to celebrate a Welsh Christmas -lechyd da!(cheers)
Wed., Dec. 21st-ME.Skeins
12-2pm in the library. drop in to craft or color anytime.
Join us for some good conversation and snacks while you work on your latest project.
Bring supplies you no long need for our Swap Box.
Bring a lunch, drinks and sweets will be provided
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